Bag Filters

Our Bag Filters are equipped with advanced filtration technology to capture even the smallest particles and contaminants. The innovative design ensures a high dirt-holding capacity, allowing for longer intervals between filter replacements and minimizing downtime. With a focus on efficiency, our filters guarantee cleaner processes and improved overall system performance.


In general, bag filters are widely used in industrial applications to remove dust. Depending on the application, the flow can be from the outside to the inside of the filter (i.e., the separation of particles occurs on the filter’s exterior surface) or the other way around. Normally, the bag filter’s internal surface is where the particles are caught.

Although most bag filters are not meant to be changed when they become clogged, some bag filters for gaseous applications, such as dust removal, can be cleaned using techniques like mechanical shaking or compressed air backwashing (also known as reverse-flow bag filters). Surface-type filters predominate in bag filters.